
Watch Stream The Aeronauts 1080i(hd) 1280p HD 720P countries USA





  1. Release Year=2019
  2. Writed by=Jack Thorne
  3. Countries=USA
  4. actor=Felicity Jones, Himesh Patel
  5. liked it=11094 Vote

6:54 - The ball went where she was looking.
Makes my Whole nervous system vibrate... I love the theme tune, so much I could cry to it.
Short, sweet and moving they make an another season.

Watch Stream The aeronautics. イントゥ・ザ・スカイ 気球で未来を変えたふたり The Aeronauts (2019) | Felicity jones, Eddie redmayne, English movies. I thought this was a movie trailer for the first 5 minutes. Hes now Jack Frost. Writer:So how many Top actors did you pick from my suggestions Amazon : Yes. ( 47) 1時間40分 2019 UHD 13+ 時は1862年。命知らずの気球パイロット、アメリア・レン(フェリシティ・ジョーンズ)は時代の最先端を行く気象学者ジェームス・グレーシャー(エディ・レッドメイン)と共に、天気について研究するため、歴史上の誰よりも空高く飛ぼうと挑む。 プライム会員の方は追加料金なしで視聴できます 注文確定またはビデオを再生することにより、お客様は 各種規約 に同意したものとみなされます。販売者: Sales, Inc. 0:52 that got me dead laughing. 堅物の気象学者と、自由奔放な気球操縦士 気象予報の未来を変えた正反対のふたりの、 深い絆と壮大な旅路の物語 天気を予測することが出来ると唱える気象学者のジェームズは、学界からは荒唐無稽とバカにされ、調査飛行の資金も集められずにいた。諦めきれないジェームズは、気球操縦士のアメリアに「空に連れていってほしい」と頼み込む。2年前に夫を亡くしてから、生きる気力さえ失っていたアメリアだが、悲しみから立ち直るための飛行を決意する。ようやくスポンサーも現れ、アメリアのショーとして、高度の世界記録に挑戦することになる。観客の熱い声援に送られ飛び立った二人だが、立場と目的の違いから狭いバスケットに険悪な空気が流れる。だが、高度7000mの世界記録を破った後、想像を絶する自然の脅威に次々と襲われた二人は、互いに命を預けて助け合うしかなかった。果たして、前人未到の高度11000mで、二人を待ち受けていたものとは──? 科学の力を純粋に信じ、研究には熱くまい進するが、人とのコミュニケーションには不器用なジェームズにはエディ・レッドメイン。実在のフランスの気球操縦士をモデルにした、女性に自由が与えられていなかった時代に、社会の常識にとらわれずに生きるアメリアには、フェリシティ・ジョーンズ。『博士と彼女のセオリー』で天才物理学者スティーヴン・ホーキング博士と、彼を長年支え続けた妻ジェーンに扮したオスカー俳優コンビが、再び困難を共に乗り越えて結ばれる男女の至高の絆を演じ、観る者の心を熱く揺さぶる。 監督は、主にイギリスのTVシリーズで活躍するトム・ハーパー、脚本は『ワンダー 君は太陽』のジャック・ソーン。音楽は『ゼロ・グラビティ』でアカデミー賞®に輝いたスティーヴン・プライス。 好奇心と勇気が想像を超える未来を連れてくることを教えてくれる、壮大なスペクタクル・エンタテインメント。.

YouTube. Newt xD.

Brasil presente aqui 🇧🇷♥️🇧🇷♥️🇧🇷

How many times did they make trailer's of titanic 2 😂😂. 8:00 me to my younger siblings when i try to stop them from killing each other and end up hitting me accidentally as well lmao. The Amell's finally acting in a movie together.

My only dream is that Joe ends up with Laurie this time. That was actually really good. I'm drawn in now and want to know more. Dammit Barry what did U do to the timeline.


I appreciate he's trying something new and we should appreciate it for the effort. That being said, My wiiii-fe.

Watch Stream The aeronautical

I can totally admit that this movie was one of the reasons of my life desicions to be an English teacher one I was a little girl Seening it coming back actually will distroy one of my beautiful childhood memories. Watch Stream The aéronautique et de l'espace. My favourite actor! It's so good to see you again! 😍😍😍. God forbid we see a monster fighting in a clear sunny day. ( 43) 1時間40分 2019 13+ 時は1862年。命知らずの気球パイロット、アメリア・レン(フェリシティ・ジョーンズ)は時代の最先端を行く気象学者ジェームス・グレーシャー(エディ・レッドメイン)と共に、天気について研究するため、歴史上の誰よりも空高く飛ぼうと挑む。 プライム会員の方は追加料金なしで視聴できます 上記ボタンによる注文確定または視聴により、 利用規約 に同意したものとみなされます。販売者: Sales, Inc. | カスタマーレビュー この商品をレビュー 他のお客様にも意見を伝えましょう レビューのフィルタリング中に問題が発生しました。後でもう一度試してください。. The reunion I never thought I needed. Watch Stream The aéronautiques. I'm right there with everyone just seeing this in late 2019. You who made this probably know that this is studio quality, and you probably have already gotten careers in big stuff, but if not, definitely try to make this into something bigger. It'd actually stand a chance.

Pineapple? With ham? Goodness gracious me.

Because Godzilla forbid Hahahahahahaha! Brilliant! Best line

We've waited 30 years for this. Go Pete Maverick Mitchel. So many pretty ladies in this movie. Even freakin Timothy Chalamet XD. Watch Stream The aéronautique. So nobody in the comments section has actually seen this movie. They're all just trying to say something witty to get a like. If I had a dollar for every time they should have died instantly to water pressure.

This song is so refreshing to listen to 🧖🏾‍♂️. Ending better have deadpool waking up from his coke overdose. Borat isn't real, that life isn't real. You are Sacha Baron Cohen, you need to remember that It's a bit late for that. WAWAWEWAH GREAT SUCCESS. I lost it at THICC LIZZY 😂. This looks bad but she is hawt.


Mmm. yeah! 0:17 0:23 0:48. First off, the marketing for this movie is pretty misleading.
The Aeronauts is what I'd call a "fantasy chick-flick" not a "based on historical events" type of movie. People wouldn't feel bamboozled if they'd made that clear in the trailer, so I'm quite understanding of all the negative reviews.
As for the movie itself. Well, if you can ignore its historical revisionism and eye-rollingly blatant pushing of a progressive political agenda. Then I'd say it's definitely not the worst thing I've ever watched, it has its moments.
I'm quite sure the director must be a big fan of Tim Burton's work, since his stylistic influence can be felt throughout this entire movie; There's the quite over-the-top stage acting, bright color-grading, elaborate set- and costume-designs, lots of fluid camera work, and a heavy reliance on bombastic CGI for its action scenes. So, if you're a fan of "Burtonesque" type fantasy movies, then you will probably feel right at home here.
However, even when judging it purely as a fantasy, it does fall flat in a lot of areas. Both Felicity Jones and Harry Redmayne's characters come off quite unsympathetic from the get-go: Two rich, upper-class snobs who want to ride a balloon as high as possible, because they both want to prove. something. The fact that the pair doesn't have any real on-screen chemistry certainly doesn't help in endearing you - the audience - to their cause. Redmayne has shown himself to be a gifted character actor in past roles, but I think this movie needed a far more subdued, subtle performance to ground things in reality. His weird delivery and strange mannerisms really don't seem to fit the "heroic man of science" type of character he portrays here.
Felicity Jones, on the other hand, does alright with what she's given and she's certainly more lively than she was in 'Rogue One. But it does feel like she's trying too hard in a lot of scenes, to a point where it took me out of the movie quite a number of times. Not a lot of "invisible acting" going on in this one.
The cinematography is decent, some of the sets and costumes in the first act of the movie are very beautiful and the scenes are well choreographed.
Which makes it all the more disappointing when the movie reaches it's second act, from which point on the remainder of the movie's running time takes place inside the small basket of a - not very convincing - CGI hot air balloon. From there on there's no real sense of tension, or drama, even as the two main characters are tumbling from one (supposedly) perilous situation into the next. The unconvincing CGI and physics defying action made it impossible for me to suspend my disbelief for even a second. There are lots of moments where the camera pans down and you're supposed to feel the vertigo effect of being hundreds of feet up into the air, but (like so many modern movies) it all looks like a video game and the plot makes it pretty obvious that these characters will be alright. So any sense of urgency, dread, or danger, all of which should be driving the plot along, just pop like. a balloon.
I did not feel angry at the end of the movie, though, despite the fact that I'd just wasted an hour and a half watching something which definitely wasn't doing it for me. And it did (sort of) trick me into watching, since I'm a fan of history and was hoping/expecting to watch a movie based on the real life story of James Glaiser.
But I'm sure someone might still find it entertaining, as I did here and there. The writing/dialogue has some witty charm and I can imagine teenage/young adult female audiences might enjoy the movie's tone as a whole.
But that's about all the praise I can give it. Objectively speaking, it's just not that good a movie.

Correspondent - Beltxi Romanescu
Biography: Sacerdotisa de la Iglesia Gatólica




The Aeronauts
7.6 out of 10 stars - 643 votes

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